Do you love Tillandsias? This one is for you!
Neoregelia ‘Matilde’
Meeting Date:
Third Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 at 7:00pm (ZOOM login/social time at 6:30 p.m.)
Meeting Place: Metropolitan Multi-Service Center
1475 West Gray St., Houston, TX 77019 and on ZOOM.
Program Presenter: Alex is an avid grower of tropical plants ranging from bromeliads to tillandsias, orchids, ferns, and aroids. He has been collecting all types of tropical plants for over 24 years with his specialty being bromeliads. Alex first became addicted to bromeliads when he was gifted a variegated neoregelia which set off what has become an out-of-control hobby that he truly loves. Alex has held many positions in the plant industry ranging from Southern Regions Director for the Bromeliad Society International, past president of the Bromeliad Society of South Florida and President of the International Aroid Society. Alex is an avid outdoorsman whose love for the Everglades and Florida’s ecology is truly remarkable. He also enjoys fishing, swamp walks, “any outdoor adventure in any environment”, and is a 17-year veteran of the Miami-Dade County public schools as a high school administrative assistant over school operations, budget, and personnel. He will be selling plants from his personal collection at our meeting.
Presentation: Tillandsia hybrids from South Florida and More.
In it, he will be discussing Tillandsia hybrids from 2 world renowned growers Steve Correale and Nestor Del Rio. He will be bringing Tillandsias and Skotak hybrids to sell as well.
As per usual:
- Refreshment duties reserved for last names N-Z!
- Bring a plant for show & tell
- Come buy a plant or two from our presenter!
- Just come and hang out and learn share with us your love of Bromeliads!