It’s cold outside. Please stay safe.
Meeting Date:
Third Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 at 7:00pm (ZOOM login/social time at 6:30 p.m.)
Meeting Place: Metropolitan Multi-Service Center1475 West Gray St., Houston, TX 77019 and on ZOOM ONLY.
With the Metro center being unavailable due to the cold, the scheduled presentation for January by Mike O’Neal is not going to be able to be presented because he doesn’t have a place or the equipment to give it from home.
Instead, for our zoom only meeting (zoom info below) our program will be a “watch party” of a different presentation.
In November 2022, the La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society (LBVBS) had biologist Pedro Nahoum return and present more on bromeliad horticulture and his Botanica Pop pineapple farm.
His program is titled
“Development of Bromeliaceae Resources in the XXI Century – From Bromeliad Horticulture to Sustainable Food Production Systems”
The program is about 1:20 (an hour and 20 minutes) long and provides some history of bromeliad horticulture before moving into info on biodiversity and genetic resources, Brazilian ecosystems and then delving into different genera and how and where they grow well in Brazil. He then wraps up with info on pineapples and how they can be used to promote sustainability and be used as a resource in several different ways. There are some interesting nuggets buried along the way on how and why certain types of plants do well.
Pedro Nahoum is a biologist and founder of Botanica Pop, a Brazilian company in Rio De Janeiro specialized in breeding and propagation of CAM metabolism plants that offers genetics, technology, and branding worldwide. Botanica Pop, Ltd. develops tropical agriculture and horticulture for supporting biodiversity prospection, genetic innovation and rare accesses conservation.
An extensive portfolio of products and projects have been built up over the last three decades of plant breeding and domestication.
Info on Pedro Nahoum and Botanica Pop, Ltd. are from the web site
The link to this and other LBVBS programs can be found on their BSI web page at
(Note, for reasons that aren’t clear, this program can be found at the link named
Pedro Nahoum returns with “Current Bromeliad Uses and Resources in Brazil” from our February 2023 meeting, via YouTube.
Check your email for the Zoom information.