We did some research and found some quality sites and publications for your reference. The following provide valuable information you can use on the subject of bromeliads.
An excellent and inexpensive 37 page full color booklet entitled “Bromeliads, A Cultural Manual”, edited by Herb Plever and Joyce Brehm, was published by the Bromeliad Society International, Inc. in 2003. Our society usually has it for sale, and it is available from the BSI website.
Bromeliad Society International : This is the site for the Bromeliad Society International with many informative links and information about bromeliads.
Bromeliad Cultivar Register (BCR) : The BCR is the definitive list of cultivars that are eligible for major awards at a Bromeliad Society International standard show. In other words, if you want to win a nice medallion at the show, your plant must be a recognized species or a cultivar that is registered with the BSI and therefore listed in the BCR.
Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies: This site has a wealth of information about bromeliads and an extensive photo gallery for identification of bromeliads.
Sources for Bromeliads, Books, and Supplies:
Jimbo’s Nursery: Located at 15019 8th, Santa Fe, TX 409- 925-6933
Business Hours: Monday – Saturday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Our specialty is bromeliads and we stock one of the largest selections of bromeliads you will find anywhere. We grow hundreds of varieties of Neoregelia, Aechmea, Tillandsia, and other rare and unusual specimen and collector bromeliads.
Tropiflora Nursery, Rainforest Flora, Inc., and Bird Rock Tropicals are commercial bromeliad nurseries with online catalogs that contain information of educational value and excellent bromeliad photos.
Michael’s Bromeliads provides extensive mail order list of bromeliads.